About Us
JAG Systems Sdn Bhd (Formally known as Infortech atCom Sdn. Bhd) was incorporated in 1994. We have more than 20 years accumulated substantial experience in soft development specialist in Human Resource Management Systems.
JAG Systems Sdn Bhd is the leading expert in the field of Human Resource Management Systems. We specialize in HR Management Systems, excellent Time Management Systems & Time-Clock Products, beneficial HR Trainings and we are the sole-provider of atCom Products.
JAG’s (atCom HRMS) allowed client to deploy the systems client based, web-based or cloud based. JAG’s aim is committed innovation and excellent products and services helps simplify & improve work experiences for all employees. JAG's ensures a comprehensive solution, all in one application at an affordable price.
Your Priorities Are Our Priorities
“We commit to your HR Matters because your HR matters” – We stand for the progress and empowerment of your business and people’s work experience. Our commitment is to provide you with compatible products and services. JAG Systems ensures a comprehensive solution, all in one application at an affordable price.